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Writer's pictureGina Luna

I lost my best friend today

Updated: Aug 5

Lynnel, the sister of my heart and soul has passed away after several years of such bravery while fighting cancer.

We had known each other for 14 years. We sent each other texts and voice messages several times every day. We talked on the phone a couple of times during the years and met on video calls also a couple of times. Our thing was to text each other every day.

I never met sister Lynn in person. She called me “sister Gina” and most of the time, just: “ sister”.

We met when she wanted to purchase some magical item from me online and started a

conversation. We became instant friends.

Lynnel was loving and caring. She was very busy working as a secretary to a few Doctors in a VA Hospital in Chicago, her homeland. Her work consumed her life. She woke up at 4 am to get ready to go to work. She was always busy and running. She lived with her fiancée whom she lovingly called “Apple”, as in the Apple of her eyes. She dreamed of moving to Savannah, Georgia after retiring, but didn’t get to live that far.

Sister Lynn loved everything magical! I told her about Transcendental Meditation when we first became friends and she went and learned it. Throughout the years I taught her Reiki every time I had learned a new Reiki technique. She loved to send healing to everybody and her healing was very strong!

Last week I was able to give her the Level 1 of Aka Dua Transmission, which I was learning for the last couple of months and finally got my Level 3 which enabled me to give her the Transmission of Level 1 by distance. She loved it and started right away to send Aka Dua healing energies to me and my family.

I’m still in shock from this immense loss!

I find myself looking at my phone waiting for her messages… I find myself taking pictures of my blooming flowers so I can show her…

I lost my best friend. I never had a best friend die on me before. I think of how difficult it is to deal with death. Maybe because death doesn’t belong here, this is the land of the living. life and death, they are both opposites of each other. We don’t remember last time we died, I mean, in between reincarnations. We only know life. How can we make any sense of death? We can’t! Can the dead communicate with us? Not even Houdini was able to escape death and send a message to his wife from the land of the dead. I think it’s because the dead don’t speak. Maybe that’s why there are Seances… the living must speak for them. They have no sound box in their throats, they have no throats! They can’t talk. But they show up. I’ve seen a few. I specifically saw a spirit once that woke me up by touching my skin in the early morning to say good bye. It was 3 month’s on the dot, after this person’s death. I heard it is costumary for the dead to come say good bye three months after their deaths. Well, three months from now will be Halloween! Lymnel’s favorite Holiday! I’m sure she will show up, if she doesn’t come by any day now. I’m keeping an eye out for her. And I wait.

But I still don’t like death, I think it’s something dreadful.

I feel surrounded by death.

The last 9 months, I lost 5 of my beloved older cats. I have no children. My cats are my babies. I’m still grieving them.

I’m fighting to stay alive. I’m also battling cancer. It’s been seven years and I’m still here, strong as an ox. I think I’m still alive because I like to eat. Nothing makes me lose my appetite, not even cancer. It’s true. I actually have to go on diets because I love to eat! I’m fat. Now with the suppression of hormones that my cancer treatments purposedly cause, I’m even fatter than ever! I really love eating.

Do you know what my dream is? No, it’s not about eating, but it’s about life… I see these very old fragile ladies with shinny white hair. I think they are marvelous! I want to grow old! I want to be very very old. Two years ago, we planted an Apple Tree in our garden, because we had just moved to our new house and there were no trees. I dream of seeing that Apple Tree grow very big! Very big! I see it growing into a huge tree full of apples!

I dream of sitting by that tree with my husband when we’re both very old.

Sister Lynn didn’t grow old. I dream of growing old.

But now, I grieve…

We purchased flowers for her Funeral Setvice and had a tree planted in her name. I left this message on her obituary online:

Lynnel graced us with this so very precious and rare purity of her unbounded heart! She believed in life, she remained positive, she had hope and plans for her future with her beloved “Apple”. She was filled with light!

Lynnel and I have been friends and sisters from our hearts and souls for 14 years! We met each other when she wanted to purchase an Art piece from me online and we started talking and became instant friends. We exchanged many text and audio messages every single day. We talked on the phone and video a few times, we never met in person, somehow time escaped us! We were kindred spirits and best friends.

Sister Lynn was my best galactic sister ever! We used to say that to each other. I love her to the moon and back! The world is a sad place without her. She will be forever missed and forever loved.

Gina, Andrew & the Kitties Josephs

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